What’s your housekeeping secret with dogs?


DeeDawg need help to clarify doubt about: : What’s your housekeeping secret with dogs?
I asked this last year, but it’s always nice to see what people have to say.

Now, i’m not a neat freak by ANY stretch of the word, but i need to have a house that can be lived in.
My two things:

1. i use a shop vac to suck up tumbleweeds- less stress on my good vacuum cleaner.
2. when i am sweeping the floors, i dust a little corn starch or talc on the floor first. it makes the dirt and hair not stick!!

so, let’s hear what keeps your house clean and you sane!!

what type of vacuum do you have, and are your dogs heavy shedders?
these are all great suggestions!!
i don’t (and won’t ever have carpets) and my house has more than its fair share of tumbleweeds, but even hardcore dog folk know there’s a fine line between “living with dog hair” and being a total psycho dog owner who never ever cleans. LOL

i love these suggestions, they are great!

somehow, though, i know my house will never be clean… sigh…..

Try this:

Answer by The Hoochmeister™
Sellotape. Wrap round your hand (sticky side outwards). Rub your hand over your furniture. Good if you just have a small patch of fur to clean away as opposed to the whole sofa/chair/whatever.

Unfortunately, I AM a neat freak. LOL.

I have a cheap vacuum that we bought for £20 (what is that in $ ? $ 30?). He’s not a HUGE shedder as he’s shorthaired but still enough for me to have to vacuum regularly.

Hmmm… my dad used to keep an old duvet in the boot (trunk) of his car for Hooch to sit on after he got muddy.

You can also use baby wipes to clean muddy paws. I also swear by disinfectant wipes (for everything, not just dog-related cleaning).

Add your own answer in the comments!


  1. I don’t really use anything haha.

    I have an OLD @ss Kirby (however you spell it) vacuum and we kinda need a new one.. but w/e, it works.

    Tiger is only a heavy shedder when it’s “shedding season” – mid spring and mid fall. Also, he’s not in all the time because he likes to be outside a lot.. not sure what it is, but he’s not fond of being indoors all day. Probably too hot in the house.

  2. 1. A spare towel by the door in case we come back from a walk with dirty paws.

    2. I feed my dogs raw prey model so I always have disinfecting wipes for the counters and the floor if they stray from their towel.

    3. I have a really small dyson but my dogs barely shed at all.

  3. I sprinkle baking soda all over my carpets before vacuuming…helps get dog smell out.
    I always keep a water bottle handy when vacuuming so when my dog attacks the vacuum I can just show her the water bottle and she doesn’t attack (she doesn’t like being sprayed)

    My vacuum is about 20 years old. I’ve had some newer ones but they just can’t withstand the hair and abuse I give them. The 20 year old one is much sturdier.

  4. Eight dogs in one house.. I don’t know of this “neat” word you speak of! 😉

    I pluck off stuff myself that are stuck on my dogs. I sweep, vacuum, etc.. everytime they come in, and go out. I have wooden floors, and they are already got nail scratches on them from my insane dogs chasing eachother on them, so that doesn’t bother me since I am used to it.

    Pretty much I keep my house sane, I’m more of a DIY person, with or without a vacuum/cleaning supplies lol.

    I use a Kirby it has a extra name to it but I forgot, and my Newf is, but my other dogs aren’t.

  5. I couldn’t survive Rottweilers without my trusty Dyson. Most times I vacuum at least once a day since I have parrots, dogs and cats. Parrots are messy, and everyone else sheds allot.
    I am not real consistent with vacuuming under couches and beds. I love my dust bunnies, they are well kept and fed daily.
    Thanks for the corn starch tip I have never thought of that.

  6. We clean floors and crates with odoban. Mats are cleaned every week, we have many so we can swap out. We do use a shop vac for most vacuuming. We use a steam mop/ and swiffer every once in a while.

    Vacuum, well the house has a central vacuum system so we have that and we have the shop vac, I don’t know the brands of other vacs that are in the house.

    Yep, you would not think short haired dogs would be but both the bullies and the weims shed quite a bit, with the weims you just don’t see it because it is quite neutral.

  7. I have a Hover upright vacuum that works really great picking up dog hair. Another good way to pick up dog here is what the rubber brush and a little water.

  8. Secret — learn to live with dog hair.

    Eureka pet pal
    It has a small attachment that fits on the hose. The hair collects in the attachment instead of going through the vacuum cleaner.

  9. Easy – I took up all the carpets! Now it’s all cement and rugs, blankets, etc. that can be cleaned. For the hair, it’s a shop vac first and a domestic vac afterwards.

  10. I thought it was pretty cool that the other answerer said that they use baking soda and an old vacuum.. so do I! The old vacuum works much better for me, but it does need to be cleaned out about now. I usually sprinkle baking soda on the carpet before I go to bed at night and then vacuum it up in the morning. I can really tell a difference if I don’t use baking soda. Another thing, which is hard to believe, smells sit on your windows (not to mention walls-just use a dust rag), so I wash my windows with vinegar regularly. Our dog doesn’t get on our furniture and has actually never attempted, so that hasn’t been an issue with us. Plus, of course, we give him regular baths and feed him treats that help with his breath. The treats work wonders! They say that a lot of the “dog smell” comes from their breath and I am beginning to think that is true.

  11. I only own 1 dog. He’s sort of a heavy shedder.He’s a mutt. Beagle, lab mix. He’s the size of a Beagle but has the coat of a lab. So yeah its bad but not as bad as a Husky or anything like that.

    Our vacuum is Bissell.It’s not one of the fancy ones thats ment for pet hair, but it gets the stuff pretty good.

    We also get this powder that we sprinkle on the carpet and it makes the house smell good. You vacuum it up.

  12. Jessie sheds worse than my mom’s 6 long-haired dogs put together!

    – I brush Jess outside every day unless weather just won’t allow it.
    -Use a Mars Coat King to get out shedding undercoat.
    -Vacuum and sweep almost every day ( I mean to do it daily, but you know how that goes.)
    -The Kong Zoom Groom that I use for brushing and bathing is also great at getting dog hair off furniture, carpets and fabric!
    -Clean the windows and the storm door weekly for nose prints.
    -Have a small handheld vac for the car, and also microfiber carseat cover (catches a lot of the hair!)

    We just have a humble Hoover Wind Tunnel vacuum. Works well.

    At my mom’s, we also have to constantly carry a kitchen towel for drool (loose flews in her dogs). and clean walls and cabinets and appliances if they shake their heads before we get to the dogs with the towel. EWW!


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