What is the best carpet vacuum to purchase that isn’t expensive?


pulchritudinous need help to clarify doubt about: : What is the best carpet vacuum to purchase that isn’t expensive?
I have had no luck with vacuums lately. They always break down and I think it’s because I spend less than $ 100 on them. I’m looking for one that is less than $ 200, and has hose attachments. What are your recommendations.

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  1. I understand that you are on a budget……I have been through a ton of vaccuum ( I have 3 cats and 3 dogs and 14 year old rwins!) Hand sdown the absolute best vacuum I have ever owned is the Dyson Animal. It retails around $ 500 -$ 600 but well worth it. You won’t have to continue to buy any more cheap ones………it’s well worth it.

  2. I always buy Hoover uprights. My last one lasted for 6 years before the motor blew out. The one I have now, I have had for 4 years and it still works great. I think I paid a little less than 100. I always get the bag kind, but they have bag-less, also.


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