what is a good long lasting vacuum to buy that is not too high priced?


1flybowtieplayboi need help to clarify doubt about: : what is a good long lasting vacuum to buy that is not too high priced?
my vacuum broke and i only had it 3 years.

Try this:

Answer by heart o’ gold
I’m on my third Bissel Butler Revolution and I really like it…but I have all bare floors (no carpets or rugs) and like a small cannister vac cause it’s easy to drag around and clean up after the animals.
I bought my first one at Home Depot, it cost about $ 80 and lasted for three or four years. I got the second and third ones on line. It has a bag and a dust cup and the only thing I don’t like about it is that I have to buy the bags on line.

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  1. I bought a Bissell clearview bagless about 2 years ago, it is doing a good job. I got it on sale for $ 89.00. It has several attachments.
    Whatever vacuum you get don’t forget to send in the warranty, after all any machine can be defective.
    My daughter has a dyson that cost almost $ 500 and I don’t like it as well as mine.

  2. I have had all kinds of vacuums. It would be nice to know what broke on your vacuum. It could have something to do with how often you change the filters, empty the canister, change the bag, or just clean it peiod. The vacuum needs to be kept clean just like the house, and filters need to be changed on it like your car or air conditioner.

    My recommendations:

    $ 100-$ 200
    Bag type- Eureka Boss (other than having to buy the bags these are easier to maintain and you don’t have all the dust and stuff going everywhere like when emptying the canister.)

    Panasonic- They have a simple bag type upright that I haven’t owned but really thought was a well designed simple vacuum.

    Bagless- Hoover Wind Tunnel. I wouldn’t get the self propelled model. When it goes out the vacuum is hard to move around. It is messy to empty but really does have great suction and in my opion suction that last longer than say a bissel.

    Hoover Platinum Bagless- I haven’t had this one, but it seems similar to one I have had. I had a vacuum called the hoover mach 5 or something. I don’t see it for sale anymore so I don’t know if they still make it. It had more suction than the windtunnel and was alot less messy when emptying. The platinum looks like that same vacuum I had. It cost a little over $ 250 though.

    If you want a vacuum that last you should go to a vacuum store and not a big department store. I quit buying all the cheap vacuums from the stores and finally sprung for a good one that has lasted longer than all the others and out performs the cheap vacuums by 100%. The higher end vacuums concentrate on other things like quality consruction and ease of use, unlike the department store vacuums only think of suction and amps. I like the Ricaar brand, I am still using it after 5 years with no trouble and haven’t found another I would rather have. There are lots of other good brands though. I know a lady that still uses the electrolux she bought 20 years ago and it out performs the new department store vacuums. A windsor vacuum would be a verry good choice also. I honestly can’t stand the bissel vacuums. I have had alot of girlfriends that had pets in their homes and have bought a vacuum for each of them. They all had dogs and cats and I am slighty allergic so needed them to have all that hair and dander picked up as much as possible. I am also a little obsessed with vacuums and that has caused me to use and buy a bunch. I know it’s goofy, but it’s me. I hope this helps.


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