Do you want the advice I wish someone had given me?


I wish someone had told me to never buy a bagless vacuum cleaner. A few months ago I bought a Hoover bagless, self propelled, wind tunnel vacuum that I payed a lot for because I had had my old vacuum for ten years and I decided to go all out for a new one. What a mistake I should have just brought the wet vac in from the garage. It is a mess to have to empty and by the time you clean the filter you have dust every where. So when you see all the hype about you will never have to buy bags again don’t listen. I would rather buy bags take them out and toss them in the garbage than spend all the time cleaning this out and all the mess this makes and I can’t wait to try to find the filter that looks like it should be replaced every week I am sure it will cost more than bags. I feel like I have been had I hope you don’t get taken to.


  1. I know what you mean!! I have a bag less Bissell vacuum and it normally take it outside to dump the darn thing, but it is very dusty!! Sorry, I know this isn’t what you wanted to hear!!

  2. I was actually told that before I bought my last vacuum. Thank goodness I was. I have severe allergies. Even taking the bag out of my vacuum now sets off my allergies. I couldn’t imagine having one that spewed dust everywhere. Thanks!

  3. We bought one too and when we went to go buy a new filter, it was only $10 cheaper than buying a new vaccuum. So I got pissed off and didn’t buy one. I went home and just beat the dust out of the old one and still use it. (I have tile throughout my house and only have to vaccuum rugs)

  4. True, the bagless do tend to be a bit messy, but have you tried this? When you are ready to empty the canister, take a water spritzer and mist the vac and surrounding area. It may help cut down the dust.

  5. i have one and i love it… cleaning it isnt that bad, i do the emptying prior to vaccuming, not after that way whatever dust is on the floor, gets vaccumed up…. i clean my filters twice a month, rincing under hot water it what you should do, you dont need to go buy a filter all the time… the hepa filter is the one you replace every so often but even then, they are not that much. i wouldnt go back to a bag vaccum if someone paid me.

  6. I prefer the ones with bags also. I like the fact that you can just toss the bag, not worry about filters and emptying a tank all the time which causes scattering of dust. I’ve had my Kirby for 15yrs and counting.:)

  7. lol yeah it sucks I have a bissel and walk outside to dump it but hey I don’t have to buy bags anymore and I replace the filter once a yr at a cost of 8 dollars at Wal-Mart


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