Vacuum cleaner help…?


aksteckel need help to clarify doubt about: : Vacuum cleaner help…?
I am looking to replace a vacuum cleaner. I have had several Hoover Windtunnels and just purchased and returned a Bissell Pet Vac. I have five dogs and three cats and have been going thru vacuum cleaners about every two years. I am considering spending a bit more money hoping to have a vacuum last longer and was looking into the Dyson. I hate to blindly spend that kind of money on something when all of the reviews are from people who haven’t had theirs very long. I am looking for people who have had their Dyson 4 or more years and I am interested in the good, the bad and the ugly. I am looking into the DC07 animal and the DC17 absolute animal. Please only serious responses from owners who meet the above mention criteria.

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Answer by Rex K
The best vacumn cleaner I have ever used..Is a Rainbow.. Thru the yrs we have had many vacumns..It takes a moment or two to fill & empty the water resevoir..but you won’t believe the dirt & animal hair it will pick up..The biggest advantage, is that no dirt goes back into the air, as with most vacumn cleaners.

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  1. coming from someone that’s owned a vacuum cleaner store for 15yrs.,I have worked on all of them .The dyson is the best you can buy,I’ll tell you why,there’s nothing you have to buy for it ,no bags ,no belts ,and no filters.another thing about the dyson is there is a 5yr. warranty.I’ve studied all of them and there is nothing as durable as the dyson.I would buy the DC-17 Absolute, unless you want the extra attachments then get the DC-17 Absolute animal.hope this helps.


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