How can an UNFAMOUS person get 2,000 answers? Do I write the…


I have done both, now which do I market?
In your opinion what would be more fulfilling. Putting together a book about the history of the vacuum cleaner-from beginning up to present day. OR inventing the greatest revolution in vacuuming since the Eureka Vibragroomer (that’s right, both the Dyson and the Hoover Windtunnel have as much they DIDN’T do going against their designs as what they did do to supposedly make them the best.
Before the Vibragroomer was of course the "separator" as is found on the Rainbow vacuum cleaner. Now THAT was pure genius!


  1. Are you doing a spam? LOL more and more houses are tearing out the carpet and doing hard wood or laminate floors. Vacuum cleaners may become obsolete. Then what are you going to do? LOL


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