LAB IS SHEDDING!! 2 questions!!?


My lab is having a hair fiesta in our house. As any lab owner knows..this is a year around problem but it seems worse this time of year. I have been brushing regularly..i even vacuum him…he loves it! It doesn’t seem to slow down the shedding though. Does anybody have any fixes for this problem??

2nd question: I currently own a Hoover Wind-tunnel (canister). The hair laughs at my vacuum cleaner and needless to say, the canister needs constant dumping. I’m considering buying a Kirby or Oreck. Has anybody tried these brands for pet hair?


  1. Your dog is just blowing coat. Yes Labs shed year round but twice a year more than usual. I get a new Vacuum about every six months. All of my dogs are big shedders. I don’t buy the expensive ones anymore cause they don’t seem to last any longer than the cheaper ones in my house. We vacuum two or three times a day.

  2. Furminator, baby. Also, I feed my dogs Shed Stop. Get it from the vet, while it doesn’t completely eliminate the shedding it sure helps slow it down some.

  3. First, try a Furmigator. They work well on lab-type coats.

    Second, many dog folks swear by Dyson. I have tile floors instead <G>

  4. a good diet and daily brushing is your best defense..

    try giving him a good conditioning bath to loosen the dead hairs from his coat.. use a slicker brush or an under coat rake.. with one hand, pet him backwards to expose the undercoat.. with your other hand, use the brush/rake to brush out the undercoat.. you will remove more of his hair this way.

    If you’re going to look into buying a more expensive vacuume.. I’d suggest checking into the dyson animal.. I have a hairless dog and tile floors, so I couldnt tell you personal experience.. but I know of rescue people with several shedding dogs who have told me that they love their dyson.. its the only vacuume that hasnt choked on the pet hair.

  5. I have had an Oreck for years. It was a bit expensive, but it has lasted much longer than any other vacuum I have had, and cleans beautifully, even when the bag is full.
    The height self adjusts from carpet to tile (I have both.)
    I would recommend it

  6. Your lab is blowing it’s winter coat. Not much you can do about it. Try a curry comb, yes the same as they use on horses. brush in small circles, the fur will weave itself right on to the curry comb and then you can peel it right off the comb. Easier clean up not so much flying fur.

    As too the vacuum question, I have a Kenmore canister 12amp and I like it. On the website we debated this question and there were many different answers that it seemed to be personal choice to much extent. Though stand up often have better suction. What did seem to be common was that expensive did not necessarily mean better. Try the curry comb first and check out dogster for info it’s a great site dedicated to dog owners and free to join.


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