What kind of vacuum can I use on berber carpet? What good vacuum


Amanda need help to clarify doubt about: : What kind of vacuum can I use on berber carpet? What good vacuum doesnt have a beater brush?
We just had berber carpet put in all of the bedrooms, while the rest of the house is hardwood. We’ve been told not to use a vacuum with a “beater brush”. We are not looking to pay $ 400 for a Dyson (which is what keeps being recommended to us). I need something around $ 100 or less. What works? Need great suction, as we have kids AND pets!

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Answer by gar_fanatic
I’ve never heard of not using a beater brush on berber carpet. My best friend’s dad sells carpet, and they had a bunch of berber in their house, and always used a beater brush vacuum. Talk to a the company that made your carpet and see what they recommend.

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  1. Rigid shop vac 6.5 Wet and dry. Best of the best. Home Depot around 265 dollar, and includes blower. Good for leaves,etc. We use this this at the hotel.


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