Is your vacuum as useless as mine?


pinksugarblue need help to clarify doubt about: : Is your vacuum as useless as mine?
I seem to have the same issues with any vacuum, so I’m starting to wonder if it’s just me, laugh. It takes virtually nothing to clog the vacuum so that there is barely any suction, and the silly little “brush” is constantly entangled in hairs and threads. To be able to get adequate suction, I have to take the whole thing apart and pull out hand fulls and clumps of filth every other time I vacuum! I do not have extra large rooms, and with 2 kids and cats and dogs, I have to vacuum very often, so I just don’t get why my machine is so inadequate at cleaning! What is your vacuum experience? Any tips, besides replacing all carpeted areas with hardwood? 😉

Try this:

Answer by kelly
I bought a Hoover windtunnel like 6 years and it’s the best vacuum I’ve ever had.
I vacuum twice a week to pick up the hair from my 4 furry critters and the thing’s never clogged. It even gets the dirt off of the hardwood areas very nicely.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. Maybe your vacuum isn’t big enough for the job. I mean, I have a Eureka Bag less ($ 120) at walmart that will suck the carpeting up. It’s heavy though, then I have a small lime green eureka with an adjustable handle ($ 60), that is lightweight, does a great job, bag less, love both of them. I live on the beach, so, instead of kids, I’ve got sand. Hey, I think I got the better end of that deal. Good luck.

  2. I know what you mean! I used to get constantly frustrated with my vacuum cleaner because they all seemed to be made with junky plastic hose that cracked and with little tiny places for things to get stuck in.

    I finally said enough after our last one broke and spent the money on a dyson animal. It was worth every penny. I love to use it, things hardly ever get stuck in it and when they do it’s really easy to take apart at all the key places so I have always been able to remove it very quickly – no more flopping hoses all over the place trying to dislodge stuck stuff! The suction is amazing too, I couldn’t believe the amount of fur and dirt that came out of our carpet the first time we used it.

    The link below is an article I wrote with some pictures – one of them is of a chair with my dog. I could never get it clean but it looked like new after I vacuumed it with the animal!

  3. Sorry to say it is the pet hair clogging up your vacuum. When we had pets my vacuum couldn’t handle the heavy duty amount of hair from pets and it plugged up in the hoses. Maybe you need to get a vacuum cleaner for pets. I always had to pull the hair out of the brushes too. We don’t have pets now and the vacuum cleaner runs really smooth picking up all the dust. The Dyson Vacuum has a great suction but it is expensive machine. You might be better off with hardwood floors. Best of luck to you.

  4. Sounds like you’ve got a bagless. I’ll NEVER buy another bagless vacuum just for the reasons you point out – they’re pretty much worthless. I had a Hoover Windtunnel for 10 years – it up and died on me the week before Christmas (Rest In Pieces) but I LOVED that vacuum! I now have a Kirby a friend gave me – it’s “eh” – too heavy to pull around easily and I MISS my on-board tools and hose for quick pickups! Kirby is a big PITA when it comes to attachments!!!!! Switch to a Windtunnel – bagged model – you will LOVE IT and it’s less than half the price of the over-priced Dyson bagless pain-in-the-butt.


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