Hoover Windtunnel 3 – Hoover Type Y Allergen Bag (3-Pack), 4010100Y…


Hoover Type Y Allergen Bag (3-Pack), 4010100Y

Hoover Type Y Allergen Bag (3-Pack), 4010100Y

  • For all WindTunnel models
  • Allergen filtration
  • Three bags per package

3 Pack, Hoover, Style “Y” Wind Tunnel Allergen Filtration Vacuum Bag, Fits All Wind Tunnel Models.

List Price: $ 9.05

Price: $ 0.99

Hoover Windtunnel 3


  1. 73 of 79 people found the following review helpful
    4.0 out of 5 stars
    Hoover does better with their vacuums than their bags, June 7, 2000

    This review is from: Hoover Type Y Allergen Bag (3-Pack), 4010100Y (Kitchen)
    First the complaint – these bags are awfully pricey considering that they fill up so fast. The bag is too big for the compartment it’s supposed to fit into, so you have to fold it over at the top and bottom to get it to fit into the allotted space.
    Changing the bag is a big hassle because when you pull the old bag off, it’s full of all that fine dust you were trying to keep out of the house and it all goes *POOF* when you try to delicately remove the bag from the vacuum.
    I see a name brand competitor has come up with a solution to this by putting a little trap door thingie by the bag’s opening, so when you pull the bag off the vacuum, all the dust doesn’t fly out of the bag and go *POOF*.
    Okay – the positive – The Hoover bags do a superior job of trapping fine and itty-bitty dust particles. But I do wish they’d figure out how to make bag removal and installation easier. Or just make the bag a different shape so you’re not contorting it to get it into the allotted space.


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