Do I need to wait a month before applying Revolution on my cat?


dee_em need help to clarify doubt about: : Do I need to wait a month before applying Revolution on my cat?
Here’s the background – a week and a half ago we discovered our cat had fleas. Being our first time dealing with this – we ran out to the store (about 10:30 pm) and got Hartz Ultra Guard Pro. We came back home and applied it on her. Then I started doing research Friday and discovered the horrible website and read all the bad things on Hartz. I went to our vets and got some Revolution. So, it’s been over a week now – we’re vaccuuming daily, re-washing our bed linens, and washed all our clothes in hot water. We’re keeping our cat confined in one room for the time being and we are combing her daily and we are seeing less black specs in her hair, but we’ll still find at least 1-3 fleas each time. It doesn’t seem like they’re going away and still on her. I don’t think the Hartz stuff is strong enough, so would it be safe if I gave her Revolution now, instead of waiting for 2 more weeks?

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Answer by pithygirl
Use Advantage! Best stuff I’ve tried. Instructions say once a month but for severe infestations it can be applied more frequently. It says you must wait at least one week then once fleas are gone, reduce application to once a month again.

I had bad flea problem. I tried a couple other brands but Advantage works the best. No more fleas. Also invest in a good vacuum cleaner and vacuum daily. I bought a Hoover Windtunnel for about $ 130. Works great.

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  1. Best to call the vet and ask. Revolution is a great product – but it’s systemic which means that it cannot be washed off. Once it’s on, it’s on – don’t risk overdosing your cat on flea medication. The vet will know for certain – anyone who answers you here is only guessing.

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