How do you change a vacuum cleaner belt-Hoover Wind Tunnel Deluxe?


kissgirl need help to clarify doubt about: : How do you change a vacuum cleaner belt-Hoover Wind Tunnel Deluxe?

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Answer by ♥TayLee♥
Kiss, I have tried to find you some information on the net,but I can’t come up with how to change the belt. If you lost the instruction booklet all I can tell you, is to just dive right in and try to change it. It really shouldn’t be all that hard.

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  1. I think that this is the name on my vacuum, it has mainly worn off. The belt is a pain to change, so usually have my husband do this! Since he cant change yours, you have to use a Phillips screwdriver and there are 4 screws on the surface of the housing, 2 on each side. After you pop the housing off, the belt is easy to change, then make sure the housing pops back into place before putting the screws back in.


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