Does anyone else dislike their Dyson vacuum?


myrtlebrwn need help to clarify doubt about: : Does anyone else dislike their Dyson vacuum?
We bought this one nine months ago and it has only been used on new carpet installed at the same time. Hair and threads constantly wrap around the roller to the point of having to cut it off in order for the brush to have contact again. It leaves terrible wheel marks in the carpet when going forward and my carpet looks much too worn for only be nine months old. It is cumbersome to use and heavy, I really regret the $ 429 we spent at Sears on this vacuum 🙁 We vacuum 2-3 times per week.

Try this:

Answer by van kedileri
so the Dyson vacuum SUCKS!! the voice and accent of its inventor are ick

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. they really suck! my dad bought one and only lasted less than a month!.. they didn’t clean the carpet at all, we would end up trying to clear it out with the broom…. !!..

  2. I love my Dysons…that’s right, we bought a second one, The Ball model, because we loved the first one so much.
    Long hair will wrap around the roller of
    any vacuum, it happened with the one before the Dyson but I haven’t had that problem with the Dyson.

  3. I have had to clip hair, threads, etc., out of the beater bars of every vacuum I’ve ever owned. It’s the nature of the beast. However, none of the vacuums I’ve ever owned has left my carpets as clean as my beloved Dyson, which I’ve owned for about a year.

  4. If you have a problem with hair try making a first run using the bare floor setting – the roller doesn’t spin. Then go back over with the carpet setting. There should be two carpet settings – use the higher to try to avoid marks in the carpet.

    We love our Dyson – it has actually rejuvenated our carpet some.

  5. We got one it is ok we just leave all the things that are wrappered round the wheel but to be fair it does leave bad wheel marks

  6. I am too cheap to buy a Dyson, and don’t have an extra $ 500 laying around. I bought a Eureka bagless and it works just fine. It’s cute too! (cute as a vacuum could be, I guess…)

  7. they dont do the job, had one for 6 months and then bought a LG cyking, its wicked and does the job at a less than half the price and alotless noise

  8. I own and run a residential cleaning service. I only recommend the Hoover Wind tunnel . Dyson makes an attractive vacuum. Unfortunately it is made with parts that break off easily. If you have long hair, and or pets that have long hair and shed a lot, you will have trouble with most vacuums. I give mine, and my client’s vacuums, “haircuts”. You might want to limit hair brushing in bathrooms, or over tiled floors. Keep animals out of bedrooms, and keep those doors closed. I also bet if you keep those doors closed, sleep will be better for that person.

  9. I find it certainly lifts the dirt but I certainly wouldn’t buy another one. My main complain is the weight – I hate lugging it upstairs.

  10. I used my mother in-laws, and I hated it. I didn’t know how to use confusing. I ended up dumping the whole container on the floor. Need to make it simple

  11. I have a Dyson vacuum too. I hate the thing. It doesn’t do the job as well as it should. I’m actually going to get a new one this weekend.

  12. I have owned 3 or 4 vaccums (none a Dyson) ranging from $ 45 to $ 299 and have had problems with hair and thread wrapping around the brush. To remove the hair and thread, get a seam ripper and rip the mess off the brush.


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